The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession + John 15:1-11 + June 25, 2017
Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 260 O Lord, Look Down, from Heaven, Behold! Hymn # 267 If God Had Not Been On Our Side Hymn # 262 A Mighty Fortress is Our God Introit I - WILL || speak of Thy testimonies al - | so | be-| fore | kings * And will | not | be| a-| shamed. (Psalm 119:46) || God is our | re- | fuge | and | strength, * A very present | help | in | trou- | ble. - || Therefore will not we fear, though the | earth | be | re-| moved * And though the mountains be carried into the |midst | of | the | sea; || Though the waters thereof roar | and | be | trou-| bled * Though the mountains shake with the | swell-| ing | there- | of. || The Lord of | hosts | is | with | us; * The God of Jacob | is | our | re- | fuge. – (Psalm 46:1-3, 7) || I will speak of Thy testimonies al - | so | be | f...