
Showing posts from May, 2017

Exaui, the 6th Sunday after Easter + John 15:26-16:4 + May 28, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 233 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Hymn # 467 Built on the Rock, the Church Shall Stand Hymn # 437 Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode Introit HEAR, O || Lord, when I cry with my | voice! | - *             Al- | le- | lu- | ia! || When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will | seek.” | - *             Do not hide Your face from me. Al- | le- | lu- | ia! (Psalm 27:7a, 8-9a) || The Lord is my light and my sal- | va- | tion; *             Whom | shall | I | fear? || The Lord is the strength of my | life; | - *             Of whom shall I | be | a- | fraid? || Teach me Your way, O | Lord, | - *             Do not deliver me to the will of my ad- | ver- | sa- | ries; || For false witnesses have risen a- | gainst | me, *             And su...

Rogate, the 5th Sunday after Easter + Jeremiah 29:11-14 + May 21, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 201 Jesus Lives, the Victory's Won Hymn # 458 Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above Hymn # 413 I Walk in Danger All the Way   Introit With voice of singing, declare, pro- | claim | this, *             Utter it to the end of the earth. Al- | le- | lu- | ia! || “The Lord has redeemed His servant | Ja- | cob!” *             Alleluia! Al- | le- | lu- | ia! (Isaiah 48:20b) || Make a joyful shout to God, all the | earth! | - *             Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise | glo- | ri- | ous. || I cried to Him with my | mouth, | - *             And He was extolled | with | my | tongue. || Certainly God has | heard | me; *             He has attended to the voice | of | my | pray-er. ∙ || Blessèd be God, who has not turned away my | pray-er, ∙ | - * ...

Cantate, the 4th Sunday after Easter + John 16:5-15 + May 14, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 231 We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost Hymn # 387 Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Hymn # 195 Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands Introit OH, SING || to the Lord a new | song! | - *             For he has done mar- | ve- | lous | things; The Lord has made known His sal- | va- | tion; *             His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of | the | na- | tions. (Psalm 98:1a, 2) His right hand and His holy | arm | - *             Have gained Him the | vic- | to- | ry. He has remembered His | mer- | cy *             And His faithfulness to the house of | Is- | ra- | el. All the ends of the | earth | - *             Have seen the salvation | of | our | God. Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the | earth; | - *         ...

Jubilate, the 3rd Sunday after Easter + John 16:16-23a + May 7, 2017

Order of Holy Communion  - Pg. 15 Hymn # 204 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain Hymn # 523 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me Hymn # 201 Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won Introit   MAKE A || joyful shout to God, all the | earth! | - *             Sing out the honor of His name; make His praise | glo- | ri- | ous. (Psalm 66:1–2) || Say to God, “How awesome are Your | works! | - *             Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit them- | selves | to | You. || Come and see the works of | God; | - *             He is awesome in His doing toward the | sons | of | men. || Oh, bless our God, you | peo- | ples! *             And make the voice of His praise | to | be | heard, || Who keeps our soul among the | liv- | ing, *             And does not al...