
Showing posts from March, 2017

Laetare, the 4th Sunday in Lent + John 6:1-15 + March 26, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 369 All mankind fell in Adam’s fall Hymn # 311 Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior Hymn #  54 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah   Introit Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her: All you who love her Rejoice for joy with her : All you who mourn for her. (Isaiah 66:10) I was glad when they said to me: “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Our feet have been standing: Within your gates, O Jerusalem! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say: “Peace be within you.” (Psalm 122:1, 2, 6, and 8) Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her: All you who love her. Rejoice for joy with her, : All you who mourn for her. (Isaiah 66:10) Collect for Laetare, the 4th Sunday in Lent Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that we, who for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be punished, by the comfort of Thy grace may mercifully be relieved...

Oculi, the 3rd Sunday in Lent + Luke 11:14-28 + March 19, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 258 Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation Hymn # 144 Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing Hymn # 500 May God Bestow on Us His Grace Introit MY - EYES - || are ever | to- | ward | the | Lord, *                 For He shall pluck my feet | out | of | the | net. - || Turn Yourself to me, and have | mer- | cy | on | me, *                 For I am desolate | and | af- | flict- | ed. - (Psalm 25:15–16) || To You, O Lord, I | lift | up | my | soul. *                 O my God, I trust in You; let me | not | be | a- | shamed; - || The troubles of my | heart | have | en- | larged; *                 Bring me out of | my | dis- | tress- | es! - || Look on my afflict- | tion | and | my | pain, *                 And for- | give | all | m...

Reminiscere, the 2nd Sunday in Lend + Matthew 15:21-28 + March 12, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 145 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary Hymn # 522 When in the Hour of Utmost Need Hymn # 523 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me Introit   RE- - MEM- | ber, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your lov- | ing- | kind- | ness- | es, * For they | are | from | of | old. - || Let not my enemies tri- | umph | o- | ver | me. * God of Israel, deliver us out of | all | our | trou- | bles! - (Psalm 25:6, 2b, and 22) || To You, O Lord, I | lift | up | my | soul. * O my God, I trust in You; let me | not | be | a- | shamed; - || Do not remember the | sins | of | my | youth; * According to Your mercy remember me for | Your | good- | ness’ | sake. - || Good and up- | right | is | the | Lord; * Therefore He teaches sin- | ners | in | the | way. - || For Your | name’s | sake, | O | Lord, * Pardon my iniquity, | for | it | is | great. - (Psalm 25:1–2...

Wednesday after Invocabit + James 1:2-15 + March 8, 2017

Order of Matins - Pg. 32 Hymn # 447 Fight the Good Fight Hymn # 290 We Have a Sure Prophetic Word Hymn # 413 I Walk in Danger All the Way   Psalm 32 Antiphon: BE GLAD || in the Lord and rejoice, you | right- | eous; * And shout for joy, all you up- | right | in | heart! || 1 Blessèd is he whose transgression is for- | giv- | en, * Whose sin | is | co- | vered. || 2 Blessèd is the man to whom the Lord does not impute in- | i-qui- ∙ | ty, * And in whose spirit there is | no | de- | ceit. || 3 When I kept | si- | lent, * my bones grew old through my groaning all | the | day | long. || 4 For day and night Your hand was heavy up- | on | me; * My vitality was turned into the drought | of | sum- | mer. || 5 I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not | hid- | den. * I said, ―I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,‖ and You forgave the iniquity | of | my | sin. || 6 For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You in a time when You may be | found...

Invocabit, the First Sunday in Lent + Matthew 4:1-11 + March 5, 2017

Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 15 Hymn # 262 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Hymn # 446 Rise, My Soul, To Watch and Pray Hymn # 448 Brief Life is Here Our Portion   Introit HE - SHALL - || call upon Me, and I | will | an- | swer | him; * I will deliver him | and | hon- | or | him. - || With long life I will | sat- | is- | fy | him, * And show him | My | sal- | va- | tion. - ( Psalm 91:15–16 ) || He who dwells in the secret place | of | the | Most | High * Shall abide under the shadow of | the | Al- | might- | y. - || I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my | for- | tress; | My | God, * In | Him | I | will | trust.” - || Because you have made the Lord, who | is | my | re- | fuge, * Even the Most High, | your | dwell- | ing | place, - || No evil | shall | be- | fall | you, * Nor shall any plague come | near | your | dwell- | ing. - || You shall tread upon the lion | and | the | co- | bra, The young lion and the serpent you shall tram- | ple | un- | der- | foot....

Ash Wednesday + Jonah 3:1-10 + March 1, 2017

Order of the Confessional Service - Pg. 46 Order of Holy Communion - Pg. 20 Hymn # 331 Yea, As I Live, Jehovah Saith Hymn # 329 From Depths of Woe I Cry To Thee Hymn # 384 Oh, How Great is Thy Compassion   Introit I WILL - || cry out | to | God | Most - | High, *                 To God who performs | all - | things - | for | me. || And in the shadow of Your wings I will | make | my | re - - | fuge, *                 Until these calami- | ties - | have - | passed | by. (Psalm 57:2, 1b) || Be merciful to me, O God, be mer- | ci- | ful | to - | me! *                 For my | soul - | trusts - | in | You; || And in the shadow of Your wings I will | make | my | re - - | fuge, *       ...